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Final Blog Post

My relationship with technology is something that I question often. As someone who is a part of Generation Z, I cannot remember a time when technology was not a part of my life. Through every year of grade school, through high school, and college, technology has been the basis upon which I learned. Social media has also become a large part of my life. From a young age, I began using Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, Twitter, etc. because it was popular, accessible, and most importantly, considered a valuable and fun way to communicate with people I knew or did not know. All of these factors have led me to where I am today; weighing the positives vs the negatives of technology.  As a senior in college, I am extremely busy. With that being said, I somehow always make time in my day to check my phone or venture off of blackboard on my laptop onto youtube or any other platform. This is something I have become increasingly aware of in the last few years, especially through the pandemic when I h

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